Plot: In the picturesque small town of Willowbrook, wounded warrior Josh Welsh returns after leaving the military due to injury. Struggling to find his place in civilian life, he crosses paths with Anna Harrison, a resilient widow who lost her Marine fiancé, Jeremy, and is raising their young child alone. Despite the instant attraction between Josh and Anna, her heart remains imprisoned by the memories of her late fiancé. Josh’s determination to build a new life is put to the test as he navigates the complexities of falling for someone who can’t let go of the past. Anna’s supportive friends, Sasha and Sophia, see the spark between Josh and Anna and make it their mission to help her move forward. However, as Sasha and Sophia’s efforts intensify, so does Anna’s internal struggle. She battles with feelings of guilt and loyalty to Jeremy’s memory, unable to fully embrace the possibility of a new love. As Josh and Anna spend more time together, he becomes
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