Update - BBC has blocked my second and third videos - which cover the remainder of Clark's series - in many countries. But in case you're able to view them, the links are here: Parts 6 to 9: Parts 10 to 13: 00:00:00 Part 1 - The Skin of Our Teeth 00:50:04 Part 2 - The Great Thaw 01:38:28 Part 3 - Romance and Reality 02:28:17 Part 4 - Man: the Measure of all Things 03:17:48 Part 5 - The Hero as Artist Civilisation—in full, Civilisation: A Personal View by Kenneth Clark—is a 1969 British television documentary series written and presented by the art historian Kenneth Clark. The thirteen programmes in the series outline the history of Western art, architecture and philosophy since the Dark Ages. The series was produced by the BBC and aired from February to May 1969 on BBC2. Then, and in later transmissions in Britain, the US and other countries it reached an unprecedented num
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