


Todd V Dating Programs Weekly Q&A #18 11/10/21 тодд пикап менторинг

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Date: 11/10/21 (2:16) What’s your mindset when you disqualify or push the girl away? Are you actually willing to walk away or do it to get the reaction you want? (Her chasing you) (8:02) Why do girls sleep with guys who pump their state quicker than guys who have “absolute value“? Is not being high value in the real world not sexually attractive? (14:31) How to reward myself for small victories as a beginner? I can think of 'Just open' as a win, but it's not rewarding. (19:06) How to know if you’re dealing with a girl who’s wifey material or belongs in the streets? (25:44) In your opinion, does the number of partners she’s been with something to consider when deciding if she’s “wifey“ material? (27:53) After having sex with 50 girls (thanks to you), I kinda just see girls as real-life sex dolls (never had a fake though, lol). Do you think it's a problem? How to fix it? (31:34) What to do/what it means when I get an “I was only interested in a one-night thing“ response when trying to hang out again with someone that I pulled at night? (34:17) When I walk into the place where people are sitting, not too loud, not crowded, should I just walk in and approach one table and leave? Isn’t it strange? (35:12) When will the recording be up? (36:27) Going to the club alone, do you stand at the bar and occasionally walk around? Or where? What do you do? How should it look? What is your excuse/story? (40:00) Thoughts on not wasting time on girls who don't display interest VS gaming a girl until she becomes interested? When to take a hint and walk away? (43:09) Any strategies on how to not “flinch“ when dealing with a shit test? Is it a big deal if you do? (46:46) How do we know how much premise is necessary in an interaction, when being indirect or more subtle about it? (49:28) What's the best approach to talking/vibing with a girl in a hookup frame? How do you differentiate it from a regular date? (51:31) Where does “hook“ fit in with the premise/evaluation/narrative? (53:53) What ratio of your understanding of women and game is tacit vs explicit? If we ask the right questions, can we reach into the tacit part and gain insights? It would take us years, if not decades, to figure it out on our own? (57:23) Todd, how to persist and get a number or date from girls who are really into you, receptive but they genuinely have a boyfriend? Happened twice today trying to close and I used your “I’m gay” joke, which made them laugh, but I didn’t end up with the number either time. (1:01:43) I'm much older than most of the ladies I'm meeting when out. I am healthy, active, and seen as much younger than I am. Your thoughts on how to succeed when my age comes up? (1:04:32) Follow up on the scummy drug dealer having more relative value than her. If he’s being slightly “disrespectful“ to her, how to know if he went too far where it’s no longer increasing his relative value and just makes her see him as a jerk? (1:06:42) What is your opinion on vulnerability (I read about it in Mark Manson’s Models book) do you have a concept similar to that? When and how to use it being an intermediate? (1:09:09) You mentioned working on one thing at a time. What are your thoughts on working on *closing* so I incorporate every technique I know or try to incorporate those I'm even aware of, in order to get a result? (1:11:10) In your opinion, does the number of partners she’s been with something to consider when deciding if she’s “wifey“ material? (1:11:41) Where are the recordings posted? (1:12:47) Follow up on the one-night stand question, if I decide I want to be friends with benefits with her where it’s mainly sexual, one of my fears is coming off too “relationship-y“ and her being less sexually open/adventurous with me because of that. That’s why I avoid building too much connection. Is that an irrational fear? (1:16:01) Yeah, I worry that the girl sometimes worries I'm looking for more than just a fun time with her. But I never hold back. I try to penetrate my women and the world the same way. (1:16:25) Somewhat confused about the concept of the semi-direct opener type: can you clarify and give examples, please? (1:18:12) About keeping an even keel in social circle with hot girls, what do you do when people enter reprehensible frames such as “The world revolves around money“ or making not so subtle distasteful racial remarks as an example? How to handle it when this comes out of nowhere and suddenly people are agreeing? (1:20:49) I went back and checked the old calls, and one topic that keeps coming up is the “girl using guys for validation“ thing. Can the girls enjoy the validation from guys they like, but not consider sleeping with them? Like maybe they have absolute value but don’t see them in a sexual light. In that case, could she be “using“ them for

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