Title: The Wall Street Bombing of 1920: A Shockwave Through Financial Power Introduction On September 16, 1920, a horse-drawn wagon laden with 100 pounds of dynamite and 500 pounds of heavy, lethal, shrapnel-filled sash weights detonated on Wall Street, near the corner of Broad and Wall in New York City. This ruthless act of violence left 38 people dead and hundreds injured, marking one of the deadliest acts of terrorism in U.S. history up to that point. The Wall Street bombing of 1920 forever altered the landscape of the financial district and left investigators grappling with a complex mystery. The Attack Around noon on that fateful day, as Wall Street bustled with lunchtime activity, the explosion occurred, ripping through the heart of the financial district. The wagon, filled with its deadly cargo, was positioned strategically to cause maximum damage. The blast shattered windows, sent shrapnel tearing through the crowd, and left a crater in the street. The Victims
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