***Please, stop asking subtitles in other languages. I only speak Italian, English and very little German, so there’s no way I could possibly write Russian or Spanish or French subs for this video. I wouldn’t even have time to do the synch if someone translates them for me. A version with English subs can be found elsewhere with a little research. ***I’m discarding the subtitles I translated from English in favor of a new version, which I’m translating directly from German. So far, only the first 12 minutes or so have been corrected. Of course, I don’t understand German language perfectly, so there could be some mistakes. ZDF’s documentary about David Garrett’s 2013 classical tour. He performs Brahms’s Violin Concerto in D and speaks about music and stage. Since most Italian fans (including me) couldn’t understand a word, I wrote italian subtitles based on english translation by another fan. I’m not 100% sure about my translation, I tried to convey the meaning more than stick to the words, and some parts were missing in the english transcription. For example, just before his performance starts, Garrett says something that I can only guess (regarding Brahms Violin Concerto, he says it’s one of the most beautiful and - I suppose - difficult compositions of its kind and he’s happy to perform it in Berlin, but I don’t really speak german so I don’t know for sure). Luckily I could add the final part thanks to my friend Maria’s translation from a Russian version. If anyone here knows both german and italian I’ll be glad to accept any help to improve and integrate my subtitles. Enjoy! No copyright infringement intended. I uploaded this video only to help Italian fans who cannot speak german and wished to know what Mr. Garrett was talking about all along. ***Io ho cercato di tradurre in italiano comprensibile rispettando il più possibile quello che mi pare essere il senso delle frasi, sfruttando tutta la mia conoscenza dell’inglese, della musica e quelle poche parole di tedesco che riesco a cogliere qua e là. Ci saranno sicuramente delle imperfezioni - per una perfezionista lavorare su una traduzione approssimativa e incompleta è un tormento, credetemi - e le parti mancanti non c’erano proprio nella versione inglese, quindi non posso farci nulla a meno di non fare un corso di tedesco accelerato. Grazie a Maria per avermi fornito una traduzione del finale. Se avete qualche amico che sa bene il tedesco mandategli il link, grazie ;) Riguardo alla parte sulla cadenza: è stata veramente ostica perché io credo di aver capito cosa intende, ma non sono in grado di esprimerlo perché non so suonare il violino. Quindi ho dovuto approssimare il senso più che nelle altre parti. XD
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