Обучающее видео по шахматам. Стаунтон-Горвиц(1851г.) Английское начало. 00:04 - вступление 02:45 - начало разбора партии Предназначено для любителей шахмат, начинающих шахматистов уровня 4-2 разрядов, а также всех тех, кто желает повысить уровень своего мастерства. В видео приводится разбор партии Стаунтон - Горвиц (Лондон, 1851г.) Источник: партии Говарда Стаунтона в базе текст партии взят с источника (англ. нотация) 1. c4 Notes by Ray Keene 1... e6 2. Nc3 f5 3. g3 Nf6 4. Bg2 c6 5. d3 Na6 6. a3 Be7 7. e3 O-O 8. Nge2 Nc7 9. O-O d5 10. b3 Staunton was fond of the double flank development of his bishop. It is, however, somewhat time-consuming and Horwitz should now have seized his chance to occupy the center with . 10... Qe8 11. Bb2 Qf7 12. Rc1 Bd7 13. e4 This central thrust, all the stronger for being delayed, announces that White has won the battle of the opening. 13... fe4 14. de4 Rad8 15. e5 Nfe8 16. f4 dc4 17. bc4 Bc5 18. Kh1 Be3 19. Rb1 g6 An unnecessary weakening of the f6-square from which Staunton now profits. 20. Qb3 Bc8 21. Ne4 Bb6 22. Rbd1 Na6 23. Qc3 Rd1 24. Rd1 Nc5 25. Nd6 Qc7 26. Qc2 Ng7 27. g4 The prelude to the decisive attack, in which Staunton’s pieces stream across to menace the black king. Firstly, Staunton restricts the possibilities of Black’s defensive knight on g7. 27... Qe7 28. Bd4 Qc7 29. a4 Na6 30. c5 Ba5 31. Qb3 b6 32. Ne4 bc5 33. Nf6 Kh8 34. Qh3 Ne8 35. Ba1 Staunton’s deployment of his forces creates a wonderfully aesthetic impression, highlighted by this sweeping retreat of his bishop which is, nevertheless, still firmly targeted on the black king. 35... Nf6 36. ef6 Kg8 37. Be5 Qb7 38. Be4 Qf7 If Black can blockade the passed pawn he may survive, but Staunton’s next brilliant stroke banishes such hopes. 39. Ng1 A profound retreat. The piece is now free to manoeuvre via f3 to e5 or g5, thus causing havoc with the defensive units around the black king. 39... Bd8 40. g5 Bb7 41. Nf3 Re8 42. Bd6 Bf6 43. gf6 Qf6 44. Ng5 Qg7 45. Be5 Qe7 46. Bg6
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