⭐️ Become a member and watch this series UNCENSORED & AD FREE: I spent a day with Scarlxrd to learn the truth about his music and style.▸This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp - go to to get started today. ▸Go to to cancel your unwanted subscriptions with Rocket Money. 🎙THE PODCAST Spotify ▸ Apple ▸ 💥NEW YOUTOOZ FIGURE: 🧨HUGE thank you to Scarlxrd: YOUTUBE: @scarlxrd/videos INSTAGRAM: 🗯MORE EPISODES… ▸ CORPSE HUSBAND - ▸ MORTICIANS - ▸ BOUNTY HUNTERS - 🎥Crew ▸ Creator, Director, Writer, etc - Anthony Padilla ▸ Executive Producer - Alessandra Catanese ▸ Senior Producer, Co-writer - Elise Felber ▸ Director of Photography/Gaffer - Kathy Sue Holtorf ▸ Camera Operator - Matthew Faulkner ▸ Social Media Manager - Mallory Myers ▸ Post Supervisor - Mike Criscimagna AKA Mork Crispy ▸ Head Editor - Patrick Horba ▸ Editor - Ash Duckworth ▸ Editor - Nikki Blacklock ▸ Sound Editor - Gareth Hird ▸ Assistant Editor - Levi Villalpando ▸ Social Media Editor - Cassie Korn ▸ Production Assistant - Joshua Dozier ▸ Captions - Davy Gerichten 🎵Theme Music Composer - Matt Good AKA The King of Emo 🖼Portrait painted by: Rhianna Robles - 🦥Slade mascot built by: The Pastel Prince - 📢BE ON THE SHOW ▸ If you are part of an underrepresented subculture or live a lifestyle you feel is not widely understood and would like to be interviewed by me, email inquiry[at] with your subculture in the title of the email. ❗️You dug this deep into the description. You owe it to yourself to subscribe ▶ or get more at & 0:00 INTRODUCTION 3:18 THE BEGINNING OF SCARLXRD 6:06 QUITTING YOUTUBE 10:18 LIVING POSITIVELY 14:45 FINDING A ROUTINE 20:13 FEARING FAILURE 24:03 SCARLXRD’S SOUND 27:11 THE EXPECTATION EFFECT 28:28 SPONSOR 29:29 LISTENING TO OLD SCARLXRD 30:07 PREVIEWING THE NEXT ALBUM 32:42 CRITICISM 34:26 BLOOPER
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