Most Bizarre Profession in European History. Discover the intriguing role of the “Groom of the Stool,“ also known as the “Royal Poop Attendant,“ in European history. This prestigious position involved assisting monarchs with their toilet needs, managing portable toilets, and even recording meal times. Learn about the unique blend of hygiene and high status in the royal court, and explore the roles and traditions of historical figures like dukes and counts. Dive into the fascinating world of medieval etiquette and royal duties with this historical insight! ————————————————————————————————————————, Welcome to the intriguing world of Dr. Red Panda! Consider subscribing to Dr. Red Panda, and make science much more engaging! Through simple and accessible explanations, we’ll guide you into the world of knowledge, to shape you into the most shining leader among people! While you’re enjoying the content, don’t forget t
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