Title: “Space’s Mysterious Aroma: Does It Smell Like Steak?“ The idea of space smelling like a sizzling steak may sound enticing, but it’s far from reality. Space is an almost perfect vacuum, devoid of the air we need to carry scents. Therefore, in the true vacuum of space, there’s no medium for smells to travel through, making it impossible for humans to detect any aroma, pleasant or otherwise. However, astronauts returning from spacewalks have reported that their spacesuits emit an odd metallic odor when exposed to the vacuum of space. This smell likely comes from the compounds in the materials used in the spacesuits reacting to the harsh environment. So, while space might not smell like steak, it does have its peculiar, space-age scent. #space #nasa #universe #astronomy #art #science #galaxy #moon #stars #spacex #cosmos #astrophotography #photography #earth #love #astronaut #nature #scifi #sky #mars #alien #physics #astrophysics #planets #spaceart #nightsky #artist #s
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