▼Synopsis Jumonji no Ryu (Kensosuke Yorozuya), a wandering samurai with a branded mark on his chest, was once a loyal samurai of the Kuroda clan who burned with the ideals of overthrowing the Shogunate and restoring the Emperor’s power. One night, he was accused of stealing a large sum of money and was betrayed by his comrades. He was also framed for murdering his own father. Ryu was then hunted down by the Shogunate’s official, Fujita Naoto (Go Wakabayashi), and his former teacher, Fuyuki Goemon (Kensosuke Yorozuya). In order to clear his name and seek revenge against the true culprits, Ryu assumes the identity of ““Jumonji no Ryu,““ a nameless wanderer, and sets out on a journey to pursue Kanou Kizaburo (Kenji Imai), the mastermind behind the plot who branded Ryu with the Jumonji mark. Based on the novel of the same name by Jiro Ikushima, this drama series aired on NET TV (now TV Asahi) in 1972 for a total of 26 episodes. Starring the talented actor Kennosuke Yorozuya
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