LET’S BREAK THE SWORDS It is not necessary to make an ideal out of metal, And inflate a whole elephant out of a molehill, And to see white light through a strong visor, And to stir up rotten ooze, silt from the bottom. No, it’s not the iron attribute that clouds the mind, Not a crazy dream from Eternal Yesterday. Tomorrow beckons us with the luster of hardened steel. Let’s forge swords into iron hearts. Let ’s change swords into plowshares, Let’s forge swords into iron hearts! The forge is smoking on that high hill, That rises alone among the plains. The wind carries the clanging hard rhythm far away. So much so that my heart and soul became vulnerable. Don’t judge this blacksmith noise so harshly. The most terrifying thing is to hear the rattling of swords. My friend, understand, because the final result is important , May the light of your eyes illuminate our metal! Metal is innocent, because someone con
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