The Magic School Bus is an animated educational children's television series, based on the book series of the same name by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen. Running originally from 1994 to 1997, the series received critical acclaim for its use of celebrity voice talent and combining entertainment with an educational series. The show features famous actress and celebrity Lily Tomlin as the voice of Ms. Frizzle. The show's theme song is performed by famous singer Little Richard. For more favorites, visit: Plot Phoebe is worried about all the poor animals living in the desert. How will they ever survive? (except for Carlos with his favorite teddy bear). She decides to go there in order to do something about it, and for once, Arnold is not complaining. (This is due to his Field Trip Survival Guide.) Cast Lily Tomlin as Miss Frizzle Amos Crawley (season 1) and Daniel Tamberelli (season 2–4) as Arnold Perlstein Daniel DeSanto as Carlos Ramon Tara Meyer as
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