No title - Boxing matches between Johnny Prescott and Guilio Saraudi, and Johnny Pritchett and Milo Calhoun. Nottingham, Nottinghamshire. Various shots as Prescott and Saraudi come out for start of fight. Various shots of the fight in progress. C/U boxing promoter Reg King and son watching. M/S Saraudi has Prescott on the ropes and is hitting him very hard, Prescott fights back. M/S as the bell goes for the end of the fight and the referee raises Prescott’s hand. C/U as timekeeper rings bell. M/S as Pritchett and Calhoun come out for the start of their fight. C/U of the two men exchanging blows in the middle of the ring. Various shots of the fight in progress. C/U boxers’ feet as they move around ring. C/U Pritchett throwing some very hard punches. Various shots of the match, the bell goes for the end of the fight and the referee raises both boxers’ arms to show it is a tie. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES
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