After Musk acquired X in late 2022, some users posted controversial, including antisemitic content. Disney, along with other companies, decided to pause advertising on X due to concerns about brand safety and association with negativity. Musk took offense to this, blaming Iger personally and accusing him of hypocrisy for advertising on other platforms with potentially problematic content. In December 2023, some Tesla users reported difficulties accessing Disney in their vehicles, fueling speculation that Musk removed it in retaliation for the ad-pulling. Tesla denied any connection, offering alternative explanations for the change. Musk has repeatedly criticized Iger on X, calling for his removal as CEO and making personal attacks. Iger has mostly refrained from direct responses, although he expressed Disney’s discomfort with X’s association. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram - @financian_ Don’t forget to follow us on TikTok - @financian_ @financian_ #short #shorts
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