L/S of a man sitting in a living room reading looking at some fashion drawings. Over shots of him looking at the designs there is a rather sexist commentary. “Plato said that in everything they tried men were better than women but without taking sides we ask is it just coincidence that a man - like sportswear designer Teddy Tinling dictate the trend of women’s fashion.“ A woman poses for Teddy wearing a strange “baby doll“ style short dress with patterned jacket and huge pointed collar. She holds a tennis racquet but I can’t imagine anyone playing tennis in this outfit. C/U of Teddy examining the hem of the dress which is trimmed with beads. The narrator observes that the outfit has a pretty taffeta petticoat which keeps the skirt from clinging during play. C/U of the model’s feet - she wears pink plimsolls! Narrator describes how Colonel Tinling put lace round “Gorgeous Gussy’s“ tennis panties to revolutionise sportswear! Various shots of Teddy and another model who poses wearing a skating o
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