There Might Be short film 2016 Genre: Thriller, Mystery Short film for international students short films festival in 2016. After receiving a mysterious invitation, Frank will take the road to return where his wife disappeared four years ago. But the truth can be dangerous. Actors: Robin Schroeter, Katarina Grey, Yaroslav Shvets Written, directed and edited by Manu Zirnheld Camera operator and DP: Hein Thu Lwin Music composer and sound design: Earthony Assistant: Ko Khant Shot on Panasonic AF-102 Producer: Manu Zirnheld Director of photography: Hein Thu Lwin Music composer: Earthony Actors: Robin Schroeter Katarina Grey Jaroslav Shvets Thank you for watching, and your support! Music: Audio blocks #shortmovie #shortfilmfestival #shortmoviefestival
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