The second single “BLOODLUST“ is available here and now. INSTAGRAM SPOTIFY FACEBOOK _______________________ LYRICS Stepping to this ship and what will I see? Wankers spreading the plague across seven seas. Their mind is no more, only hanging clits. Kids of gutter before, now called queers... And parade of absurd seems to be endless Till all the cumshots will cover crossdressers. This darkened vision came from above, Artificial mindset replaced what’s beloved. Dust in the noses, void in the minds, buried in the depths, faded by disguise, Superficial zombies drooling their pus, licking masters’ feet, satisfy their prolapse. FOREFATHERS, our home is in flames (lit by those who accepts to be a shame) GEHENNA, take their shit away... from me. No survive Today you’re gonna die I shall break your spine Your lungs and bones for endless grind. For all your sins you pay. Don’t spell a stupid pray. Fag rainbow in the sun, As your viscera’s none. You cancelled your own race, And serving the black ass. You must be crucified In the name of common sense. Don’t tell I should believe In this bullshit you weave. Hypocrisy and lies Bring you hellish demise. FOREFATHERS, our home is in flames (lit by those who accepts to be a shame) GEHENNA, take their shit away... from me. If the saints could see what you’ve done with this earth They would bring bloody rain and hang you on a cross — BLOODLUST, without remorse. Year after year Strike by strike Plague by plague Sand in the eyes Oblivious minds, consume rotten lust You’re just a mistake...
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