⭐️ ARGONOTA ➤➤ @argonota ⭐️ 🔘 The story begins one day when the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, an inhabitant of the Shire, receives an unexpected visit from the wizard Gandalf and a company of thirteen dwarves. Gandalf had recommended Bilbo for this mission, and so the hobbit is drawn into the adventure. The dwarves needed an additional member, a skilled marauder, in order to carry out their plan: to reach Erebor, defeat the dragon Smaug and recover the kingdom and its treasure. The Hobbit was written in several parts between the late 1920s and early 1930s and was originally intended only for the amusement of Tolkien's young children, but Tolkien lent the manuscript of the unfinished work to various people and it ended up in the hands of the publisher George Allen & Unwin. Eager to publish it, the publishers asked Tolkien to finish the work, and The Hobbit was published in the UK in 1937. This radio play is an eight-part drama adapted from the heroic fantasy novel by British writer J. R. R. R. Tolkien. The script was written by Michael Kilgarriff and produced by John Powell. Several editions of the serial have been marketed, the first in 1988 on cassette and the BBC reissued this play for broadcast and home use adding a short excerpt of the main melody. It play was first broadcast in 1968 on BBC Radio 4. Episodes : 1 «An Unexpected Party» 00:16 2 «Out of the Frying-pan into the Fire» 27:15 3 «Riddles in the Dark» 53:39 4 «Strange Lodgings» 01:20:32 5 «Barrels out of Bond» 01:46:41 6 «A Warm Welcome» 02:12:41 7 «The Gathering of the Clouds» 02:38:46 8 «The Clouds Burst» 03:05:12 Cast : Narrator (The Tale Bearer): Anthony Jackson Bilbo Baggins: Paul Daneman Gandalf: Heron Carvic Gollum: Wolfe Morris John Justin as Thorin the Shield of Oak John Pullen as Elrond The Elf King: Leonard Fenton Beorn: Denys Hawthorne Bard the Bowman: Peter Williams Balin: Peter Pratt Smaug: Francis de Wolff ARGONOTA 💘 ➤➤ : THE LATE ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS - 1957 - BBC Radio Drama : ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ 🔘 🇫🇷 L'histoire commence un jour où le hobbit Bilbon Sacquet, un habitant de la Comté, reçoit la visite inattendue du magicien Gandalf et d'une compagnie de treize nains. Gandalf avait recommandé Bilbon pour cette mission, et le hobbit est donc entraîné dans l'aventure. Les nains avaient besoin d'un membre supplémentaire, un habile maraudeur, pour mener à bien leur plan : atteindre Erebor, vaincre le dragon Smaug et récupérer le royaume et son trésor. Le Hobbit a été écrit en plusieurs parties entre la fin des années 1920 et le début des années 1930 et n'était à l'origine destiné qu'à l'amusement des jeunes enfants de Tolkien, mais ce dernier a prêté le manuscrit de l'œuvre inachevée à diverses personnes et il s'est retrouvé entre les mains de l'éditeur George Allen & Unwin. Désireux de le publier, les éditeurs ont demandé à Tolkien de terminer le travail, et Le Hobbit a été publié au Royaume-Uni en 1937. #thehobbit #tolkien #audiobook #lordoftherings ☀️☀️☀️ ☀️ARGONOTA is a time capsule, a comprehensive magazine about the vibrant life of a bygone time and the early days of cinema. With a hand-picked selection of films, sound recordings, music and themed reviews, it takes us back to an era that is still relevant and present today. We ask you to support us by leaving comments, information and ideas or by subscribing and sharing our videos. #historyofcinema #silentmovie #argonota ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ ➤➤ ACCESS OUR OTHER SECTIONS ON ARGONOTA´S HOMEPAGE : @argonota ⭐️ INVENTORS OF CINEMA : ⭐️ PIONEERS THE MAGICIANS : ⭐️ PIONEERS THE DIRECTORS : ⭐️ COMEDY, BURLESQUE AND SLAPSTICK : ⭐️ THE CARTOONISTS : ⭐️ STOP MOTION & PUPPET : ⭐️ EXPERIMENTAL ABSTRACT : ⭐️ WORLD TRAVELOGUES : ⭐️ ACTUALITY & CULTURE FILMS : ⭐️ EARLY SERIES : ⭐️ FEATURE MOVIES I : ⭐️ FEATURE MOVIES II : ⭐️ RADIO & AUDIOBOOKS : ⭐️ DANCES & BALLET : ⭐️ FIRST MUSIC FILMS : ⭐️ COLOR IN FILMS: 💘 BE PART OF ARGONOTA : ⭐️ @argonota ⭐️ SUBSCRIBE! 💘
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