每年立夏一到,便意味著與春天正式告別,進入夏季。各地皆有惜春的食俗,置備酒食,與春季作別,稱為餞春。除了嘗些蠶豆、枇杷、河豚等時鮮,蘇州一帶則有“立夏見三新”的習俗,意為今日過後,“櫻桃、青梅、麥子”這三新更為常見。春末夏初正是青梅正好的時節,我們釀過青梅酒,也跑過青梅醋,今年,就跟著臺臺一起用晶瑩爽口的梅子凍來迎接夏天吧~ When the solar term Lixia arrives, it’s time to wave goodbye to the spring. There’re various traditions of sending the spring off with food across China, such as eating seasonal food like broad beans, loquat fruits and puffer fish. In Suzhou and the surrounding area, local people have the convention of enjoying cherries, green plums and wheat. Now it’s the season of green plums. We have made green plum wine and green plum vinegar in previous episodes. Today we’re going to make some green plum jelly. Check out today’s video for the recipe.
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