The Fast and Furious star Michelle Rodriguez has been enjoying her vacation in the beautiful island of Sardinia, Italy. The 43-year-old actress was spotted on a yacht with her friend, Italian TV presenter Raffaella Zardo, on Wednesday. Rodriguez looked stunning in a white bikini that highlighted her toned physique and tan skin. She accessorized with a pair of sunglasses, a gold necklace, and a lace cover up that she wore over her shoulders. She also had a blue towel wrapped around her waist. The action star seemed to have a lot of fun as she laughed, swam, and paddle-boarded in the clear blue water. She also showed off her adventurous side as she dived off the yacht into the sea. She was seen smiling and chatting with Zardo, who wore a black swimsuit and a straw hat. Rodriguez has been in the industry for more than two decades, having shot to fame with her role in The Fast and the Furious in 2001. She has since reprised her role as Letty Ortiz in several sequels of the franchise, includin
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