This film from the 1960’s is an educational short which follows the story of two city kids who spend the summer on their Uncle Jim’s farm with their two cousins. The children learn about the animals as well as what daily farm work chores are like. It depicts the similarity between human’s as well as animal’s needs for healthy sustenance and clean-living spaces. It is presented by The National Dairy Council (:08) and was produced by Atlas Film Corporation (:24). The film opens with scenic shots of cows grazing in pasture on Jim’s farm (:32). His children are Andy and Jane and they are pictured by the swing set (:42). The pair is waiting for their Aunt Alice and Uncle Fred to arrive with their cousins; George and Betty, whom they will be spending the summer with (1:16). Andy and Jane take George and Betty on a tour of the farm after their parents have left and they begin with the cow barn (1:41). Their older brother, Bill is inside the barn dumping out food for the cows (1:50) and he tells the children that th
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