Birmingham, West Midlands. Boxing fight between England's Randolph Turpin and Californian Billy Brown in progress. LV. Both boxers sparring in centre of ring. MV. Turpin carries fight to Brown. Brown covers up. CU. Boxer Freddie Mills at ringside. SV. Turpin lands several rights about Brown's body. MV. Both boxers in clinch. Brown beats tattoo on Turpin's ear. Referee separates them. SV. Turpin lands lefts to Brown who stands with hands down. MV. Turpin punishes Brown against ropes until Brown attempts to attack but Turpin lands two solid rights to Brown's body. Brown falls against ropes. They clinch. Brown fights back again with two-handed attack but Turpin lands heavy rights and lefts and forces Brown back on ropes. Brown holds Turpin's gloves but Turpin tries to shake himself clear. Referee parts them and warns Brown. Turpin sails in again. SCU. Audience. MV. Turpin misses with wild swing but in two handed solid punching finally downs Brown. Referee counting, Brown out. Brown helped to feet. CU. Brown
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