


Callistephus chinensis

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Callistephus is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the aster family, Asteraceae, containing the single species Callistephus chinensis. Its common names include China aster and annual aster. It is native to China and Korea. Аnd it is cultivated worldwide as an ornamental plant in cottage gardens and as a cut flower. This is an annual or biennial plant with one erect, mostly unbranched stem growing 20–100 cm (7.9–39.4 in) tall. The alternately arranged leaves vary in shape or size. The basal leaves usually fall away before flowering. Leaves around the middle of the stem are a few centimeters long and are borne on winged petioles. The blades have serrated edges. Leaves toward the top may have smooth edges. The large solitary flower head grows at the top of the stem and sometimes on branches. The head is lined with layers of phyllaries, those in the outer layer large and leaflike, measuring up to 3 centimeters long. The inner layer can be purple-tinged. The head contains one or two rings of ray florets, most often in shades of reddish purple. The flowering period is from August to October in the northern hemisphere. This species has been grown and bred extensively in cultivation. Cultivars are available with flowers of many colors, varying heights, and single and double heads. In the wild, they are purple in color. There are several cultivars with flowers of different colors. Cultivars with flowers of other colors were obtained in particular by hybridization. Cultivated varieties can have ray florets in most any color, including red, pink, blue, purple, and white. They are up to 3.5 centimeters long. There are many yellow disc florets in the center. The fruit is a rough-textured, glandular, purple-mottled cypsela that turns gray with age. It has a pappus composed of one outer layer of reddish scales and two inner layers of white bristles. It has been in cultivation in Europe since 1728 at the latest. In China, it has been cultivated for 2000 years. This plant is a naturalized species in some areas outside of its native range (Indochina, Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, etc.) and can be found on the edges of deciduous forests. It grows at altitudes from 300 to 2700 above mean sea level. As ornamental plant it thrives on fresh, nutrient-rich, easy-humus rich soils in warm humid air conditioning. The plants are susceptible to fusarium wilt, a fungal disease. Some cultivars are more resistant to this than others. Pest insects can include leafhoppers, aphids, blister beetles, and the tarnished plant bug. The plant is also susceptible to mites. Callistephus 是紫菀科菊科开花植物的单型属,包含单一物种 Callistephus chinensis。它的俗名包括中国紫菀和一年一度的紫菀。它原产于中国和韩国。它在世界范围内作为家庭花园的观赏植物和切花栽培。 这是一种一年生或二年生植物,有一根直立的、大部分不分枝的茎,高 20-100 厘米( 英寸)。交替排列的叶子形状或大小各不相同。基生叶通常在开花前脱落。茎中部的叶子有几厘米长,长在有翅的叶柄上。刀片具有锯齿状边缘。朝向顶部的叶子可能有光滑的边缘。大的单花头长在茎的顶部,有时长在树枝上。头部排列着多层叶状体,外层叶状叶状,长达3厘米。内层可以是紫色的。头部包含一到两个射线小花环,通常呈红紫色。北半球的花期为八月至十月。 该物种已在栽培中广泛种植和繁殖。品种有多种颜色、不同高度、单头和双头的花朵。在野外,它们是紫色的。有几种栽培品种,花朵颜色各异。特别是通过杂交获得具有其他颜色花朵的栽培品种。栽培品种可以有几乎任何颜色的射线小花,包括红色、粉红色、蓝色、紫色和白色。它们长达 3.5 厘米。中心有许多黄色的圆盘状小花。果实是一种质地粗糙、有腺体、带有紫色斑驳的紫檀,随着年龄的增长会变成灰色。它有一个由一层红色鳞片和两层白色鬃毛内层组成的冠毛。 最迟从 1728 年开始在欧洲种植。在中国,已有2000多年的栽培历史。 这种植物在其原生范围以外的一些地区(印度支那、欧洲、北美、澳大利亚、新西兰等)是归化物种,可以在落叶林的边缘找到。它生长在平均海平面以上 300 到 2700 的海拔高度。作为观赏植物,它在温暖潮湿的空调和新鲜、营养丰富、易腐殖质的土壤上茁壮成长。 这些植物对枯萎病(一种真菌病害)敏感。一些品种比其他品种更能抵抗这一点。害虫可能包括叶蝉、蚜虫、水疱甲虫和失去光泽的植物臭&

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