Subscribe & ring the 🔔 to never miss a new video! Klemen Slakonja impersonating Pope Francis (Je bella cesta, , Pop tv) Stream and follow on Spotify: Free Karaoke Version: Modern Pope (#SpreadLove) () I walk in my own shoes, I said no to the red papal shoes. I don’t need a golden cross, I can wear a metal cross. I drive with the bus, I can drive the bus. I can carry my briefcase myself, do I look like an elf?! Nope, nope, nope, I am a modern pope! Even on Facebook I just like, I do not hate. I can speak any language, because I use Google Translate. I make photos with my cam and post them to Instagram. I cannot turn water into wine, but I think I can make a Vine. I see on Twitter, people are bitter. Seek and find God in all things! #SpreadLove, hallelujah, come on spread love, dove! #SpreadLove, hallelujah, come on spread love, dove, fly high above the sky! My nickname is Pontifex, which is Latin for bridge builder. Pontifex! I will rebuild the church! Pontifex! Don’t get me wrong - still no premarital sex! Nope, nope, nope, I am a modern pope. When I come home like Lassie, I watch football, I like Messi. And hey, who am I to judge gay! If they search for the Lord - it’s okay. And it makes me sad when I find sisters who aren’t joyful. I love tango and I used to dance when I was young. We must restore hope to young people, help the old, be open to the future, spread love. Be poor among the poor. We need to include the excluded and preach peace. I see on Twitter, people are bitter. Seek and find God in all things. #SpreadLove, hallelujah, come on spread love, dove! #SpreadLove, hallelujah, come on, spread love. #SpreadLove, hallelujah, come on spread love, dove! #SpreadLove, hallelujah, come on spread love, dove, fly high above the sky! I promise to pray for you. Amen! Instead of European troika, you can have the Trinity - the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Music: Klemen Slakonja Lyrics: Klemen Slakonja Arrangement: Martin Bezjak Music production: Martin Bezjak Video production: Idejalisti Screenwriter: Klemen Slakonja Director: Nikolaj Vodošek Editing: Mitja Mitruševski Organizer: Katja Goljat Makeup artist: Luka Luka Simšič Costume designer: Nataša Recer Props: Žiga Birsa Klemen Slakonja as Pope Francis, Papst Franziskus, papa Francesco, papa Francisco, papież Franciszek, papa Franjo, papež Frančišek, Jorge Mario Bergoglio -------------------- #Širite ljubezen Papež, prosim reši sLOVEnijo. Bratje in sestre, dober večer. Hodim v svojih čevljih, rdečim papeškim čevljem sem rekel ne. Ne potrebujem zlatega križa, nosim lahko kovinski križ. Vozim se z avtobusom, jaz lahko vozim avtobus. Svojo aktovko lahko nosim sam, mogoče izgledam kot kakšen škrat? Ne, ne, ne, jaz sem sodoben papež! Celo na Facebooku samo všečkam, ne hejtam. Govorim vse jezike, ker uporabljam Google Translate. S svojim fotoaparatom delam fotke in jih objavljam na Instagram. Vode ne morem spremeniti v vino, mislim pa, da lahko naredim Vine. Na Twitterju vidim, da so ljudje zagrenjeni. Iščite in najdite Boga v vseh rečeh. #Širite ljubezen, aleluja, daj, širi ljubezen, golob. #Širite ljubezen, aleluja, daj, širi ljubezen, golob, poleti visoko nad nebo. Moj vzdevek je Pontifex, kar je latinski izraz za graditelja mostov. Pontifex, obnovil bom cerkev, Pontifex, ne razumite me narobe, še vedno nič seksa pred poroko. Ne, ne, ne, jaz sem sodoben papež. Ko pridem domov kot Lassie, gledam nogomet, všečkam Messija. In hej, kdo sem jaz, da bi sodil geje? Če iščejo Gospoda, prav. Žalosti me, ko vidim sestre, ki niso srečne. Rad imam tango. Plesal sem ga, ko sem bil mlad. Mladim ljudem moramo ponovno vliti upanje, pomagati starejšim, biti odprti za prihodnost, širiti ljubezen. Biti revni med revnimi, vkjučiti izključene in pridigati o miru. Na Twitterju vidim, da so ljudje zagrenjeni. Iščite in najdite Boga v vseh rečeh. #Širite ljubezen, aleluja, daj, širi ljubezen, golob. #Širite ljubezen, aleluja, daj, širi ljubezen. #Širite ljubezen, aleluja, daj, širi ljubezen, golob. #Širite ljubezen, aleluja, daj, širi ljubezen, golob, poleti visoko nad nebo. Obljubim, da bom molil za vas. Amen. Namesto evropske trojke imate lahko sveto trojico: Boga Očeta, Sina in Svetega Duha. #PopeFrancis #KlemenSlakonja
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