Jonathan Scott performs his solo organ arrangement of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition at the 1895 Lewis organ of Albion Church, Ashton-under-Lyne, UK. Pictures at an Exhibition - Modest Mussorgsky Promenade Gnomus - The Gnome Promenade Il vecchio castello - The Old Castle Promenade Tuileries (Dispute d’enfants après jeux) - Tuileries (Children Quarelling at Play) Bydło Promenade Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks Samuel Goldenberg & Schmuÿle Promenade Limoges. Le marché (La grande nouvelle) - Limoges (The Big News) Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum) - Catacombs (A Roman Sepulchre) Con mortuis in lingua mortua - With the Dead in a Dead Language The Hut on Hen’s Legs (Baba-Yaga) The Great Gate of Kiev Film & Sound by Tom Scott For more information about Scott Brothers Duo please visit: The Organ of Albion Church, Ashton-under-Lyne, UK T.C. Lewis 1895 PEDAL ORGAN 1. Acoustic Bass 32 2. Open Wood No.1 16 3. Open Wood No.2 (from 16) 16 4. Violone 16 5. Sub Bass 16 6. Octave (from 2) 8 7. Bass Flute (from 5) 8 8. Trombone 16 9. Tromba (from 8) 8 10. Tuba (from 47) 8 CHOIR ORGAN (unenclosed) 11. Lieblich Gedackt 8 12. Salicional 8 13. Dulciana 8 14. Flauto Traverso 4 15. Harmonic Piccolo 2 Octave Sub Octave Unison Off GREAT ORGAN 16. Double Open Diapason 16 17. Open Diapason No.1 8 18. Open Diapason No.2 8 19. Harmonic Flute 8 20. Octave 4 21. Harmonic Flute 4 22. Twelfth 2 2/3 23. Fifteenth 2 24. Mixture IV 25. Trumpet 8 26. Clarion 4 27. Tuba (from 47) 8 RD SWELL ORGAN 28. Lieblich Bourdon 16 29. Geigen Diapason 8 30. Rohr Flöte 8 31. Echo Salicional 8 32. Viola da Gambe 8 33. Voix Celestes 8 TC 34. Geigen Principal 4 35. Flautina 2 36. Mixture III 37. Double Trumpet 16 38. Horn 8 39. Oboe 8 40. Clarion 4 Tremulant Octave Sub Octave Unison Off SOLO ORGAN Enclosed 41. Harmonic Flute 8 42. Concert Flute 4 43. Clarinet 8 44. Orchestral Oboe 8 45. Cor Anglais 8 46. Vox Humana 8 Tremulant 47. Tuba 8 (unenclosed) Octave Sub Octave Unison Off COUPLERS Swell to Pedal Swell to Great Swell to Choir Choir to Great Choir to Pedal Great to Pedal Solo to Pedal Solo to Great Solo to Swell Solo to Choir Solo to Swell Solo to Choir
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