In the bustling city of Berlin, an extraordinary ramen phenomenon has taken flight thanks to a man named Christopher. From the confines of his apartment, Christopher crafts and delivers fresh ramen kits in a most unconventional manner. Using a vibrant red bucket suspended from his window, he lowers these delectable packages to eager customers waiting below. What started as a creative solution for social distancing during lockdown has evolved into a cherished ritual in the culinary landscape. Christopher's flying ramen delivery system has become an iconic symbol of his business, capturing the imagination of locals and international patrons alike. As customers eagerly await their airborne ramen, the act of receiving this unique delivery has transformed into a communal experience, making Christopher's flying ramen a beloved and distinctive culinary adventure in the heart of Berlin. 00:00 This is Flying Ramen 00:21 Christopher's love for Ramen 01:10 Perfecting the ramen recipes 01:36 Why does it come in a red bucket? 02:19 Pre-packed Ramen 02:33 How is German Ramen different? 02:54 How to make Ramen 03:58 Will Christopher keep the bucket? 04:21 Sticking with Ramen Production credits: Lead Producers - Stuart Smillie and Louis Fitton DOP - Jan Rödger Editor - Steve Kelly #Ramen #Japan #Food Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at pitch [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com 📧 Get exclusive GBS items from our online store 🛒 👉 SUBSCRIBE: NOTIFICATIONS: Make sure you enable the 🔔 to get notified about our latest video publishes. SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Follow us on Instagram: Check us out on TikTok: @greatbigstory Join us on Snapchat: Follow us on Facebook: Give us a shout on Twitter: Sign up to our newsletter:
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