Band: UwU Title: Anime Girl Extinction Type: Full-length Release Date: November 21st, 2021 Genre: Goregrind/Brutal Death Metal Country: United States (Kingman, Arizona) Label: Independent Tracklist: 1. Shoujo Manhunt (Ft. Lord Hentai) 00:00 2. Chris Brown Beatdown Pt. 2: The Chrisening 03:06 3. Wrong Retard to Fuck With 05:14 4. You’ve Just Been NTR’d 08:56 5. Inferno Cope Harder 09:06 6. Slamming Your Waifu 10:49 7. Loli Mindbreak 13:09 8. Forced Loli Infanticide 16:29 9. Gyaru Impalement (ft. Andrew Gonzalez of YandereChainsawRegurgitationFactory) 17:40 10. Kill or Be Killed 21:27 11. Anime Girl Extinction 22:53 Website: Bandcamp: Spotify: Apple Music: Instagram: Facebook: https:
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