Убийство министра внутренних дел В.К. фон Плеве эсером Е.С.Сазоновым. Санкт-Петербург 15 июля 1904 Assassination of the Minister of Internal Affairs V.K. von Plehve by E.S. Sazonov. St. Petersburg July 15, 1904 Music: Give Peace, O Lord, from the Requiem No.2 op. 39 by Pavel Chesnokov Vyacheslav Konstantinovich von Plehve was killed by the SR student Yegor Sozonov, when he threw a bomb into his carriage, after Plehve did nothing to halt a bloody wave of anti-Jewish violence in Kishinev in April 1903. Vyacheslav Konstantinovich von Plehve was born in Meshchovsk, Russia, on 20 April 1846. After studying law at the Moscow University, he joined the ministry of justice in 1867. n 1881 he investigated the murder of Alexander II and then joined the MVD as a Director of the Department of Police, also in charge of Okhrana (secret police). He became a member of the Governing Senate in 1884 and assistant minister of Interior in 1885. In 1899, he became an Active Privy Counsellor and Ministyer Secretary of State f
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