’Yeh Ladka Hai Deewana’ from ’Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ is one of the best friendship songs featured in a Bollywood film with Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol fighting and making up during their college years. The song features Udit Narayan and Alka Yagnik’s voices. Kuch Kuch Hota Hai was Karan Johar’s directorial debut under the Dharma Productions banner and the film had Salman Khan and Rani Mukherji in an extended guest appearance. ’Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ or KKHH was the best selling music soundtrack of the year and also won many awards including Star Screen Award, Zee Cine Award & Bollywood Movie Awards for Best Music Director for Jatin Lalit. Song Name - Yeh Ladka Hai Deewana Movie - Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Singer - Udit Narayan and Alka Yagnik Composer - Jatin Lalit Lyricists - Sameer Anjaan Music Label - Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. © 1998 Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. Subscribe: Vevo - Like us: Facebook: Follow us: Twitter: G : SonyMusicIndia
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