#art #lippanart #mirrorwork #mosaic Hey guys ! This is the basic tutorial for Mosaic lippan artwork for beginners, I will be coming up with such easy tutorial. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you did, hit the like button, press the bell icon and do Subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much for watching! Follow me on Instagram - Order your artwork - artbybhagyashree@ Let's stay connected:) Tools I used - MDF Board - =sr_1_4_sspa?crid=ZW6I4ULHNJQQ&keywords=mdf board round 12 inch&qid=1690046785&sprefix=MDF BOARD ROUND,aps,242&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 Mirrors - =sr_1_1_sspa?crid=39XO39IHX5UIH&keywords=mirrors for lippan art&qid=1690046977&sprefix=mirrors ,aps,1508
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