Medieval Gregorian Chant (12th century AD). Title: “Exultantes collaudemus“ - Saint Hylarion Mass: Sequence Service: Mass of Saint Hylarion of Cyprus Performers: Cappella Romana & Alexander Lingas Album: “Cyprus: Between Greek East and Latin West“ ~ Long time no see folks! I thought I’d treat you to an excellent piece of the Medieval Levant - a part of the Missa to Saint Hylarion of Keryneia, from the era of the Crusader kings in Cyprus. ~ Latin: Exultantes collaudemus mira sancti personemus eiusque solemnia. Hic vocatur Ylarion, quem duxit tethagramaton regna in perennia. Paternis ab erroribus ne pravaretur sordibus, destitit ab ydolis. Audiens hic Anthonium, reliquit patrimonium, puer bone indolis. Hic descendit a prophanis, flevit puer non inanis pro baptismi gloria. Artem hausit Scripturarum, querens lumen doctrinarum mox in Alexandria. Mox, ut se fecit monacum, hic tempus post bimensium ad propria meavit. Defunctis iam parentibus, datis rebus pauperibus, monacos cumulavit. Primus hic in Palestinafulsit, in quo lux divina,monacus in Syria. Duodenum hic agebat, Xρistum scire cum querebat quadam in cemeria. Cella, stratus et vestitus, metus vanus, sal et ficus, huius sunt delicie. Delibantes facit vivos, sanat gentes, haurit rivos, eius sunt divitie. Regia fit hic camuca, qui vult nobis sed tunica sancti Ylarionis. Qui sanat energuminos, depellit spiritus malos, proficit in donis. Abicit mulierculam, dicit oratiunculum, dando Deo gratias. Accensis quinque digitis, et ait cum iniuriis: cede retro, sathanas. Cella huius fuit bustum, lentes aqua scedant bustum, semper post crepusculum. Panis, radix, ficus, olus sextus illi fuit bolus sepe post quatriduum. Cecam curat, stuprum fugat, pauper durat, celum mirat vivis ex lapidibus. Deum orat, Cyprum rorat, quando plorat tunc honorat Christum cum virtutibus. Extraxit hortum parvulum, quo suum stat corpusculum alma continentia. Quod fragrat in odoribus cum toga fert Hieronimus, sanctaque constantia. Sancte pater, tende manum, salva cetum Ciprianum in pace prospera. Regni fructus da fecundos, aufer pestes, et iocundos omnes duc ad supera. English: Let us exult and rejoice together: let us proclaim the wonders and the commemoration of this saint. He is called Hilarion, whom the Holy One has led to the eternal kingdom. Lest he be corrupted by the sordid errors of his parents, he kept himself from idols. Hearing Anthony, the goodnatured boy left behind his inheritance. He separated himself from profane things, and wept, not in vain, for the glory of baptism. He devoured knowledge of the Scriptures, soon seeking the light of doctrine in Alexandria. Desiring to become a monk, he returned to his own house after two months. His parents having died, he gave his goods to the poor, and increased the number of monks. He shone first in Palestine, where he was a divine light, and as a monk in Syria. He spent twelve years here in a dwelling as he sought to know Christ. His cell, bed, and clothing, herbs, salt, and figs, are a delight to him. He gives life to detractors, heals the nations, drinks at the streams: All riches are his. The tunic of holy Hilarion is to us a royal garment. He heals the possessed, disperses the evil spirits, makes progress in gifts. He sends away the woman, says a little prayer, giving thanks to God. With his five fingers aflame, he responds to curses: Get behind me, Satan. His cell was his tomb, with lentils and water only after sunset. He took six ounces of bread, herbs, figs, and oil, often after four days. He heals the blind, drives out impurity, encourages the poor, gazes on a heaven of living stones. He prays to God and rain falls on Cyprus; when he weeps, he honors Christ with his powers. He built a little garden where his body remained in gentle continence, with the mantle of Jerome in sweet fragrance and holy constancy. Holy father, stretch forth your hand, keep the people of Cyprus in peace and prosperity. Give fertile fruit to the kingdom, drive away plagues, and lead us all happily to the heavens.
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