In 4K. Of course. Lights down music up and enjoy the journey. A tour of our planet from 400km up as seen and photographed by the astronauts aboard the ISS. Of all the ISS Timelapse videos, this is ... one of them. It’s also the longest, I think, for now. Alternate Title: International Stellardrone Station :) All Music by Stellardrone (Creative Commons: CC by 3.0) Near-original-quality video downloads (2-5x YouTube data rate) are available here for a couple bucks: Images courtesy of Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center - Despite this video being made from just under 85,000 individual images taken from the above site, it’s still only a fraction of the total number of images taken of Earth by the ISS Astronauts. Seriously, what an incredible resource to have available for anyone to access and use. Did you make it all the way through? What’s your favorite bit? Track listing: =========== 0:00 Stellardrone - Twilight 4:17 Stellardrone - Gravitation 12:03 Stellardrone - Lights in the Sky 19:38 Stellardrone - Eternity (Reprise) 23:11 Stellardrone - Penumbra (Remix) 31:28 Stellardrone - The Earth is Blue (Live Version) 41:23 Stellardrone - Breathe in the Light
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