Master Prakhar, a 12-year-old boy, was suffering from cancer of a part of the immune system (Hodgkin's Lymphoma). He was admitted to the Metro Hospitals under Oncology Department for relapsed Lymphoma and was recommended to undergo Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT). Under the supervision of Dr. Sumant Gupta and Dr. Faran Naim, the most experienced BMT team in the region, the transplant was a success. Prakhar's never-ending pain has now reduced and he has now been discharged with follow-up advice. His family thanked the doctors and other hospital staff for the all-inclusive support with pre and post-operative care during the treatment. Click here to know more about the doctors: Visit our website to know more about Metro Group of Hospitals and its facilities. #DrSumantGupta #DrFaranNaim #Hodgkin'sLymphomaSurvivor #metrohospital #BestCancerHospital #MetroGroup #BoneMarrowTransplant Connect with us: Facebook -
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