Everyone Else Burns is an irreverent new six-part comedy set in a fictional Christian community and centred around a family headed by patriarch David (Simon Bird, with a very different haircut). David, like his family (played by Kate O’Flynn, Amy James-Kelly and Harry Connor) is devoted to preparing for Armageddon and avoiding eternal damnation, although worldly temptations sometimes get in the way. Funny, warm and full of heart, the cast of Everyone Else Burns also features Morgana Robinson, Kadiff Kirwan and Lolly Adefope. Written by Oliver Taylor and Dillon Mapletoft and directed by Nick Collett, Everyone Else Burns was produced by Jax Media and Universal International Studios, a division of Universal Studios Group. SUBSCRIBE: About #Channel4: Channel 4 exists to represent unheard voices, challenge the mainstream and stir the metaphorical pot. This YouTube is here to give you first looks at what’s coming next, to take you deep
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