Walt Disney Animation Studios' upcoming feature film “Encanto” tells the tale of the Madrigals, an extraordinary family who live in a wondrous, charmed place called an Encanto. Each child has been blessed with a magic gift unique to them—each child except Mirabel. But when the family’s home is threatened, Mirabel may be their only hope. See Disney’s Encanto now streaming on Disney (c) 2021 Disney Enterprises, Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Thank you for watching and Subscribing! Subscribe 3D Animation Internships channel: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Check out all of the 3D ANIMATION INTERNSHIPS Channels: 3D Animation Shot Progression: Moana Shot Progression: Pixar 3D Animation Internship: Layout 3D Artists: Behind The Scenes I Animation Breakdowns: 3D Generalist - Demo Reel: Deleted Scenes: WANT TO GET FEATURED? All CGI artists, studios or schools who would like their work featured or published on Channel please apply below. We’re looking for 3D Animation Internship, Animation Breakdown, Animation Progression, Animation showreels etc. Contact us here → 3DAnimationInternships@ #encantoshotprocess #encantoShotProgression #3dAnimationInternships
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