


Gumi- Chocolate Girl (ALGORITHM Version) Utsu-P

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Japanese Name: チョコレイトオンナノコ I feel that this version lost so much energy. :( Oh well, this is still one of my favorite UtsuP songs. Japanese/English Lyrics: 小さなころは好き嫌いなくて なんでもよく食べ大きくなった 今は面影無いけれど お嫁さんを夢見たおしゃまな子ども あの子のような色香はないし あの子のようには可愛くないから  あたしに与えられた仕事は ただただ食べて食べて食べること 臭い臭い 一体あの子らとはどこで 臭い臭い 運命が違えたのかな 臭い臭い 「自業自得」のスメル 臭い臭い 頸動脈までこびり付いた あたしの好きな人にはとても見せらんないや 食べましょう 食べましょう あたしふつうのオンナノコ ほろ苦い ほろ苦い 夢の破片とチョコレイト 食べましょう 食べましょう 明日また死にそびれる為に ほろ苦い ほろ苦い 今日もよろしくお願いします 食べなくちゃ食べなくちゃ食べなくちゃ食べなくちゃ食べなくちゃ食べなくちゃ どこにでもいるオンナノコ ちょっとお金が足りないだけ どこにでもいるオンナノコ ちょっと美貌が足りないだけ 食べましょう 食べましょう あたしふつうのオンナノコ ほろ苦い ほろ苦い 人の嗜好とチョコレイト 食べましょう 食べましょう 明日また死にそびれる為に ほろ苦い ほろ苦い 今日もよろしくお願いします 食べましょう 食べましょう みんなふつうのオンナノコ ほろ苦い ほろ苦い 汚れた舌とチョコレイト 食べましょう 食べましょう 明日また生き恥かく為に ほろ苦い ほろ苦い 今日も食べますチョコレイト おいしいな おいしいな おいしいな あー今日も吐いちゃったから怒られるなー Lyrics by Migikun: *Translation not 100% accurate* When I was little, I started to often eat things that I liked and didn’t like. Today, I don’t have a face but the precocious children dreamt of a bride. The aroma of a child like that doesn’t exist, because kids like that aren’t that cute. The only given job I have is nothing but to eat, eat, eat. The aroma of a child like that doesn’t exist, because kids like that aren’t that cute. The only given job I have is nothing but to eat, eat, eat. It reeks, it reeks. Where the hell are those kids? It reeks, it reeks. I wonder if fate has changed. It reeks, it reeks. The smell of “Paying for one’s consequences“ It reeks, it reeks. I’m stuck in my carotid artery. I’ve not shown it to my loved ones. Let’s eat, Let’s eat. I’m just a normal little girl. It’s bittersweet, It’s bittersweet. I’ve dreamt about fragments of chocolate. Let’s eat, Let’s eat. In order to miss my chances of dying again tomorrow. It’s bittersweet, It’s bittersweet It’s nice to meet you again today. I must eat I must eat I must eat I must eat I must eat I must eat I must eat I must eat I must eat I must eat I must eat I must eat There are little girls everywhere. They only have a little bit of money. There are little girls everywhere. And they don’t look that beautiful. Let’s eat, Let’s eat. I’m just a normal little girl. It’s bittersweet, It’s bittersweet. People’s liking of chocolate. Let’s eat, Let’s eat. In order to miss my chances of dying again tomorrow. It’s bittersweet, It’s bittersweet It’s nice to meet you again today. Let’s eat, Let’s eat. Everyone is just a normal little girl. It’s bittersweet, It’s bittersweet. The tongues dirtied by chocolate. Let’s eat, Let’s eat. In order to live in disgrace again tomorrow. It’s bittersweet, It’s bittersweet. Today, I will eat chocolate again. It tastes so good. It tastes so good. It tastes so good. And don’t get mad at me because I threw up again today. Previous Version: Track 7 of the album ALGORITHM. Purchase physical copy (Expensive): Cheaper: 鬱P/dp/B00NEGMACI/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1410171388&sr=1-1&keywords=algorithm Export countries: All credit goes to: UtsuP, 鬱P (Artist) Website - NND Account -

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