- A recording with the narrative of the last resistance of Ukrainian Troops in Artyomovsk, Bakhmut was circulating on Telegram on Saturday, May 27, 2023. In the continued narrative of the upload, it is stated that this is the final battle in the ruins of buildings and dungeons. It appears that Ukrainian troops are hiding in the basement, from where they made a surprise attack, shelling the buildings occupied by the Russian Mercenaries. But the attack also received a counterattack from the Mercenaries Russia previously claimed to have completely captured the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut on May 20, 2023. It would mark the end of the longest and bloodiest fighting of the 15 month war. The assault on the largely leveled city was led by troops from the mercenary group, whose leader Yevgeny Prigozhin said earlier in the day that his forces had finally pushed the Ukrainians out of the last built-up area in the city. .(*) Editor: A. Syahrul Khair #tribuntimurcom #tribunviral #tribunvideo #videoviral #rusiavsukraina () Update info terkini via Follow akun Instagram Follow akun Twitter Follow dan like fanpage Facebook YouTube business inquiries: 081144407111
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