Actor Arunkanth welcomed the new team from Coimbatore and wished them well. He also said that there is a misconception small films wouldn't run. Hence there is no patronage for small films. Small films can achieve big things. Please patronize them. I wish the team best of luck. Actor Praveen said that his film' s Press Meet was also held at the same venue. I am glad that this new team has come up with such a project . More than producing a film, the aspects of doing publicity and marketing it have gained prominence. I wish the team good luck. K. Rajan said that such new teams should come in large numbers and win. It is those small producers who co ntr ibute to the existence of the film industry while the big timers make use of the film industry to their own advan tage with the support of big heroes. Ultimately, they do nothing for the film industry. Also, shooting is scheduled outside States while the workers here are made to suffer owing to lack of opportunities. I have appealed to Rajni Si
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