


19&231&940/19 UN personnel&231 foreigners&940 Chinese! Leave SudanThanks China

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当地时间5月2日,中国第三批赴阿卜耶伊维和直升机分队收到联合国驻阿卜耶伊安全部队任务,部署一架直升机赴苏丹南部卡杜格利机场,撤离滞留在苏丹的联合国19名工作人员。 自苏丹武装冲突爆发以来,中国政府采取快速有力措施,全力保护中国公民安全,周密组织撤离行动。 中国海军导弹驱逐舰南宁舰、综合补给舰微山湖舰连夜高速机动630余海里,从亚丁湾赶到苏丹港附近海域,比上级要求的时间提前了7小时。 据了解,在部署会上,中国海军制定了特别行动方案,如果军舰不能停靠苏丹码头,将使用冲锋舟,把舰员和特战队员送上去,一定要把撤离人员接上船。 指挥员的担心并不是凭空臆断。有的国家在苏丹的撤侨行动遭到不明武装的袭击,造成装备损坏和人员受伤。 按照撤离行动方案,中国海军军舰从苏丹的苏丹港,撤离至沙特阿拉伯的吉达港,两个港口横跨红海,直线距离约170余海里。为了让脱离险境的撤离人员在舰上能睡上安稳觉,海军官兵腾出大部分住舱,拿出自己的被褥,还在通道里贴好指引标识,告诉大家卫生间、餐厅的位置。炊事班几乎全天不休,保障撤离人员吃上热菜热饭。 在几天时间里,两艘军舰航程超过1140海里,指挥流程顺畅,官兵配合默契,装备性能良好。 4月29日,中国军队完成撤离中国在苏丹人员任务。中国海军不仅从苏丹港撤离出940名中国公民,还应有关国家请求,撤离出231名外籍人员。中国海军女兵更是巾帼不让须眉。 此次苏丹撤侨行动说明,中国海军已经具备了与中国国际地位相称、与国家安全和发展利益相适应的能力。撤离行动检验了中国海军舰艇的机动性能,以及海军官兵的专业素养,也展现了中国政府和中国军队良好的国际形象,是一次践行人类命运共同体和海洋命运共同体理念的“红海行动” On May 2 local time, the third batch of Chinese peacekeeping helicopter detachments to Abyei received a mission from the United Nations security forces in Abyei and deployed a helicopter to Kadugli Airport in southern Sudan to evacuate the United Nations peacekeeping forces stranded in Sudan. 19 staff members. Since the outbreak of the armed conflict in Sudan, the Chinese government has taken quick and forceful measures to fully protect the safety of Chinese citizens and carefully organized the evacuation. The Chinese naval guided missile destroyer Nanning and comprehensive supply ship Weishanhu maneuvered at high speed for more than 630 nautical miles overnight, and rushed from the Gulf of Aden to the waters near Port Sudan, seven hours earlier than the time required by their superiors. It is understood that at the deployment meeting, the Chinese Navy formulated a special action plan. If the warship cannot dock at the Sudanese dock, it will use assault boats to send the crew and special forces members aboard, and the evacuees must be picked up on board. The commander's concern is not based on speculation. The evacuation operations of some countries in Sudan were attacked by unknown armed forces, causing damage to equipment and injuries. According to the evacuation action plan, the Chinese naval warships evacuated from Port Sudan in Sudan to Jeddah Port in Saudi Arabia. The two ports straddle the Red Sea with a straight-line distance of more than 170 nautical miles. In order to allow the evacuees who escaped from danger to sleep peacefully on board, the naval officers and soldiers vacated most of the living quarters, took out their own bedding, and posted guide signs in the passage to tell everyone the location of the bathroom and restaurant. The cooking team works almost all day long to ensure that the evacuees have hot dishes and meals. In a few days, the range of the two warships exceeded 1140 nautical miles, the command process was smooth, the officers and soldiers cooperated tacitly, and the equipment performance was good. On April 29, the Chinese army completed the task of evacuating Chinese personnel in Sudan. The Chinese Navy not only evacuated 940 Chinese citizens from Port Sudan, but also evacuated 231 foreigners at the request of relevant countries. The evacuation of overseas Chinese from Sudan shows that the Chinese navy already possesses capabilities commensurate with China's international status and compatible with national security and development interests. The evacuation operation tested the maneuverability of Chinese naval ships and the professionalism of naval officers and soldiers, a

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