After her latest hit film Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway, Rani Mukerji speaks with Anupama Chopra about her journey as an actor, sharing candid thoughts on her roles, relationships, and how she’s evolved with changing times. She also delves into her relationship with Aditya Chopra and reveals the secret to keeping the spark alive in their marriage. Furthermore, Rani discusses the roles that have shaped her, the ones she’s turned down, and the lessons each character has left her with. #ranimukherjee #filmcompanion #bollywood Have you subscribed to Film Companion yet? Join us here - Follow Us On: 00:00 - Rani Mukerji Exclusive Interview 02:32 - Writing her own book & the thought behind it 04:28 - Journey of being a woman in the industry 06:57 - Husband (Aditya Chopra) is more outgoing 09:10 - Aditya Chopra in the book 09:45 - Rani’s mom on her acting career 11:29 - Destined to face the camera 12:20 - Screen test at the age of 16 13:25 - Acting just came to Rani 15:02 - I don’t do prep; I don’t get it 17:00 - One-take artist 17:35 - Can’t be content as an actor 20:23 - The director is the first audience 21:18 - I love romantic films 21:55 - The art of lip sync 22:45 - We had no option but to work hard 23:36 - Being a housewife 24:16 - We talk about each other’s work and respect it 27:38 - It’s easy to refuse Aditya Chopra 30:23 - Rani loves theatrical releases 32:44 - Women change the narrative 34:40 - Cinema needs to be watched as a community 36:54 - Rani likes to shock Aditya Chopra 38:19 - Mardaani 3? 40:41 - Rani values her fans too much 41:17 - Audience Q&A About The Channel: The Film Companion is a web channel intended to promote Indian cinema through films review, interviews, discussions, video essays, and analytical compilations. It is intended primarily for the purpose of encouraging informed discussions, criticism, and review of cinema and towards such purpose, the programs use short extracts of cinematograph films, sound recording, and photographic works. These clips and extracts are of a minimal nature and the use is not intended to interfere in any manner with their commercial exploitation of the complete work by the owners of the copyright. The use of works is in compliance with the fair dealing exception provided under Sec. 52 of the Copyright Act, and we assert our use of the works under the exception provided for criticism and review.
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