“Henry James: A Life“ is a biography written by Leon Edel. Published in five volumes between 1953 and 1972, this comprehensive work delves into the life of the renowned American author Henry James. Leon Edel, an esteemed literary biographer, dedicated several decades to researching and crafting this extensive exploration of James's life, influences, and literary achievements. The biography meticulously traces Henry James's journey from his birth in 1843 to his death in 1916, providing readers with a thorough understanding of the author's personal and professional evolution. Edel's work is acclaimed for its depth of research, insightful analysis, and nuanced portrayal of James's complex character. Throughout the volumes, Edel explores James's relationships with family and friends, his travels, and the cultural and intellectual milieu of the times. The biography also sheds light on the challenges and successes James encountered in his literary career, offering a rich cont
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