Providing a glimpse into the intriguing plotline of the upcoming drama, the third teaser video of 'The Tale of a Nine Tailed Fox 1938' has been released. The teaser centers around the reunion of the 'Yeonrang' brothers, Lee Yeon and Lee Rang. In the teaser, Lee Rang is portrayed in 1938 with long, tousled hair and a rebellious demeanor, while Lee Yeon scolds him harshly for smoking. However, the brothers engage in gunfights, indicating their deep-seated resentment towards each other. Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 (구미호뎐 1938) will premiere on May 6th. #TaleoftheNineTailed1938 #LeeDongWook #KimSoYeon #KimBum #RyuKyungSoo #Kdramas
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