


Russian Alphabet - Slower

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Learn the Russian alphabet one letter at a time. Listen to 3 examples for each letter of the alphabet. Each example is spoken by a male and a female voice. - Our recommended book for self-learning Russian. The voice-over is recorded by Oleg and Nadya. They are from Moscow. The speech is a little slower than the 1 voice version of this video. Each letter is introduced with 3 examples. Try saying each word after you hear it. The second time you watch the video you should pause on each letter of the alphabet and try reading each word. Be sure to subscribe to our channel. Visit our website if you are looking for detailed, and free, information to help you learn Russian. We have a detailed lesson about the Russian alphabet. The letters are grouped together for easy learning. Russian Handwriting Video: Alphabet Lesson: An alternate version of this video is here: Website: Facebook: Word List: арбуз - watermellon. аист - stork автобус - bus банан - banana белка - squirrel буря - storm вишня - cherry вино - vino вор - thief гриб - mushroom гусь - goose гора - mountain дом - house дерево - tree дятел - woodpecker ежевика - blackberry енот - raccoon еда - food ёлка - fir (Christmas tree) ёжик - hedgehog ёрш - bottle brush жук - beetle желе - jelly жираф - giraffe зонт - umbrella золото - grain зерно - gold игла - needle индейка- turkey интернет - internet йод - iodine йога - yoga йогурт - yoghurt ключ - key кот - tomcat компас - compass лодка - boat лев - lion луна - moon мыло - soap молоко - milk море - sea нога - leg небо - sky нота - note олень - deer огурец - cucumber очки - glasses пень - stump перец - pepper пони - pony ракета - rocket рыба - fish роза - rose самолет - plane слон - elephant снег - snow торт - cake тигр - tiger танк - tank улей - hive утюг - iron утка - duck фонарь - lantern ферма - farm фото - photo хлеб - bread хром - chrome хомяк - hamster цирк - circus цапля - heron цена - price чеснок - garlic череп - skull часы - clock шишка - cone шар - ball шляпа - hat щетка - brush щука - pike щит - shield подъезд - entrance объем - volume объектив - lens ДЫМ - smoke бык - bull сыр - cheese соль - salt моль - moth ель - fir эра - era энергия - energy эврика - eureka юла - top юбка - skirt юг - south яблоко - apple якорь - anchor ящерица - lizard Don't forget to subscribe to our channel! Visit us at

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