Set in a near-future desolate Japan, this game depicts a fierce battle between humanity and machines. That ecstatic feeling when overcoming the seemingly impossible challenge of certain doom will reward those who brave the storm. The moving experience of a story of life told through death. It is through the eyes of the fallen and the experiences of the vanquished that you will find their sacrifices serve to guide your hand in retribution. A VR Tactical Action game experience with a high level of immersion, where the player will be one with the protagonist and take on a battle for the fate of the world. ーー Set for release in the first half of 2024 ーー 『SOUL COVENANT』STAFF Director / Scenario Writer Teruhiro Shimogawa Character Design Shogo Matsuo Composer Yasunori Mitsuda Producer Koh Okamura Executive Producer Teruyuki Toriyama Overview of 『SOUL COVENANT』 Supported Platforms: Meta Quest 2 Genre: VR Tactical Action Release Date: First half of 2024 Developer: Thirdverse, Co., Ltd
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