In the captivating premiere episode of “Broken Bread,“ join acclaimed chef and social activist Roy Choi as he embarks on a heartwarming journey exploring the profound impact of cooking on social justice issues. In this chapter, Roy delves into the lives of inspiring individuals and organizations that are making a remarkable difference in their communities through the transformative power of food. First, Roy spends time with Father Greg Boyle, the visionary behind Homeboy and Homegirl Industries, pioneering socially conscious food enterprises that offer a lifeline to former gang members. Discover the heartwarming stories of these marginalized individuals as they find redemption and purpose in the kitchen, breaking free from the shackles of their past to create a brighter future. Next, we meet Mar Diego, a former drug dealer-turned-food entrepreneur, who has taken a courageous step in opening “Dough Girl,“ a thriving pizza shop in the San Fernando Valley. Witness how Mar’s compassion and belief in the potential of local kids struggling with drug use and homelessness have given them a second chance at life through meaningful employment and mentorship. And that’s not all! The episode features a special interview with L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, who sheds light on innovative workforce models with a purpose, aiming to uplift communities and empower individuals with tools that can change their destinies. Prepare to be moved by the resilience and determination of these extraordinary individuals, as they not only share their delicious culinary creations but also inspire us all to be agents of change in our own communities. Join Roy Choi on this emotional and eye-opening adventure, as he proves that cooking can indeed be a powerful catalyst for rehabilitation, hope, and social transformation. Tune in to this groundbreaking episode of “Broken Bread,“ exclusively on Tastemade. Together, let’s savor the flavor of positive change! 🍕🌟 #BrokenBread #SocialJustice #FoodForChange _______________________________________________________ Subscribe to Tastemade: JOIN us at Tastemade : LIKE us on Facebook: FOLLOW us on Instagram: FIND us on Snapchat Discover:
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