


The Silmarillion - Teaser Trailer

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The Silmarillion - Teaser Trailer - Concept Obviously because the rights to the books are still with the Tolkien estate no movies will be made anytime soon. However for a bit of fun I've created a series of trailers for this franchise. Music: Mecuria by Really Slow Motion and Giant Apes Editing in Vegas Pro Titles created using Illustrator (vector image), C4D and then After Effects. The movie titles you see within the trailer are pure fantasy. If and when the movie series is made, they'll probably have completely different names. I hope you enjoy. This is a GameOvais Production. The Rebellion of Noldor Beren and Luthien The Ruin of Beleriand The Children of Hurin The War of Wrath The Last Alliance Guy Gavriel Kay Christopher Tolkien Ea Valinor Beleriand Numenor The Lord of The Rings The Hobbit Silmarils Akallabeth Valar Malar Beren Luthien Turin Gondolin Earendil War of Wrath Morgoth Ainulindalë Valaquenta The Fellowship of The Ring The Two Towers The Return of The King An Unexpected Journey The Desolation of Smaug The Battle of The Five Armies Arda Maiar Melkor Elves Dwarves Men Orcs Saruman Sauron Elrond Ainur Illuvatar Balrogs Feanor Hurin Huor Idril Turgon Beleg Angband Elwing Dunedain Isildur Anarion Celebrimbor Middle Earth Leithian Noldor Nirnaeth Arnoediad Fingolfin Eldalie Aule and Yavanna Sindar Thranduril Legolas Gandalf Aragorn Gimli Frodo Bilbo Gollum Witch King Angmar Goblins Radagast Tom Bombadil Olwe Mouth of Sauron Mithrandrir Minardil Smeagol Thorin Gloin Nazgul Fellbeast Haldir Arwen Glorfindel Boromir Faramir Eomer Eowyn Theoden Denethor Dwalin Deagol Minas Tirith Pelennor Fields Isengard Helm's Deep Fangorn Edoras Dead Marshes Lothlorien Moria Rivendell Weathertop Bree Hobbiton Shire Osgiliath Ithilien Galadriel Minas Morgul Mount Doom Grey Havens Dagorlad Mordor Gondor Dol Goldur Dol Amroth Rohan Minhiriath Peter Jackson Sir Ian McKellen Orlando Bloom Elijah Wood Viggo Mortensen Andy Serkis Liv Tyler Sean Bean Cate Blanchett John Rhys-Davies Christopher Lee Hugo Weaving Ian Holm Richard Armitage Martin Freeman James Nesbitt Benedict Cumberbach Lee Pace Graham McTavish Luke Evans Stephen Fry Billy Connolly Epic War Battle Fight Meeting Speech #movie #film #fantasy #lotr #lordoftherings #thesilmarillion #tolkien #peterjackson #hobbit #thehobbit

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