код для двери випа: ItemID = OpenTime = 1 OpenTrans = 1 CloseTrans = 0 BuyGUI = true KillOnTouch = true Door = Serv = game:GetService(“BadgeService“) MServ = game:GetService(“MarketplaceService“) if not then = {[ItemID] = {}} elseif not [ItemID] then [ItemID] = {} end Table = [ItemID] function CheckPlayer(player2) for i = 1,#Table do if Table[i] == player2 then return true end end return false end :connect(function(hit) if :GetPlayerFromCharacter() then player = :GetPlayerFromCharacter() if MServ:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(,ItemID) or CheckPlayer(player) then = false = OpenTrans wait(OpenTime) = true = CloseTrans else = true = CloseTrans if BuyGUI == true then MServ:PromptGamePassPurchase(player,ItemID) h = :FindFirstChild(“Humanoid“) if h then = 0 end local con con = :connect(function(ply,asset,purch) if ply == player and asset == ItemID then con:disconnect() if purch then if h then = 16 end (Table,player) elseif KillOnTouch == true then = true = CloseTrans :BreakJoints() end end end) elseif KillOnTouch == true then = true = CloseTrans :BreakJoints() end end end end) код для пола- убивалки: :connect(function(hit) if hit and and :FindFirstChild(“Humanoid“) then = 0 end end) кот для кнопки доната: local id = :connect(function() :PromptProductPurchase(, id) end)
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