The arrest of Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has ignited a firestorm in global diplomatic circles, deepening the rift between Russia and France. This video explores the political and legal ramifications of Durov’s detention, analyzing accusations from Russia that a third party may be orchestrating the arrest to gain access to Telegram’s encryption codes. With reactions from key international figures, including Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and French President Emmanuel Macron, we delve into the broader implications for freedom of speech and state censorship. #paveldurov #telegram #russia #sergeilavrov #telegramceo #france #macron #timesnowworld #worldnews #internationalnews #timesnews #newsworld Subscribe now: Times Now World is your definitive source for comprehensive global news and analysis. At Times Now World, we bring you breaking news and real-time updates on US news, US elections, Trump, Biden, Putin, Zelensky, Russia-Ukraine war, Israel-Hamas conflict, Gaza, China-Taiwan tensions, Hungary news, NATO updates, and EU developments. Stay informed with our in-depth coverage of politics, economics, and current affairs, exclusively on Times Now World. Explore diverse perspectives and expert insights on international relations, technology, and more, all on Times Now World. Engage with dynamic discussions on global issues, including NATO news and EU updates, on Times Now World. Follow compelling stories and impactful reports on Times Now World. Discover the pulse of international affairs with Times Now World’s extensive coverage of global events.
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