


We have a home! Home should be warm and clean, with care and love

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能有個家是一件很幸福的事情,這些可愛的小動物們也都渴望幸福溫暖的家!這集我們到了月園流浪動物照護協會擔任一日志工,在這些浪浪的家裡做了一番打掃,和他們度過了一段很美好又可愛的時光。 月園現有167隻流浪動物,每月開銷平均50萬上下,包含基本地租、水電、飼料、醫療費,往往入不敷出,而金流都會誠實公布在臉書社團上,不夠的資金永遠都花在刀口上,有更充裕的資源才能讓更多毛孩子受惠 有愛心的你也能提供給他們一些幫助,不論是擔任志工協助清理園區並與毛孩子們玩耍,或是提供金錢或物資上的幫助都是很棒的方法! 能夠幫上大忙的物資類別: 1. 主食飼料(耐吉斯、優格,廠商有配合優惠) 2. 醫療耗材(2X2或3X3紗布、棉花棒、紫箘素、優碘、生理食鹽水) 3. 清掃用品(紅頭掃把、畚箕、漂白水、洗碗精、洗手乳) 物資捐贈代收處: (500)彰化縣彰化市一心南街210巷1號 請指名給「台中林媽媽流浪狗之家」 捐款管道: 玉山銀行 (808) 1399 940 169685 合作金庫 (006) 1070 717 824727 立案字號:中市社團字第1100046395號 公益募款核准文號:衛部救字第1111362371號 月園粉絲專頁: 在異地異國的你也能為當地的動物機構提供任何形式的幫助,讓世界多一點愛與溫暖,讓小動物們得到他們值得的對待 ------------------------------------------- Having a home is a blessing, and these lovely little animals also long for a happy, warm home! In this episode, we volunteered for a day at the Full Moon Stray Animal Sanctuary, cleaning up their home and spending wonderful, lovely time with the strays. Full Moon Sanctuary currently has 167 stray animals, with monthly expenses averaging around 500,000 TWD, including rent, utilities, food, and medical costs, which often leads to a shortfall. Financial statements are transparently disclosed in their Facebook group, and available resources are always spent wisely, with greater resources needed to benefit more animals. If you have a kind heart, you can offer them some help, whether by volunteering to assist in cleaning the facility and playing with the animals, or by providing monetary or material support Even if you are in a different place or country, you can offer help in any form to local animal organizations, spreading more love and warmth in the world and giving these little animals the treatment they deserve. ------------------------------------------- 🎉 加入會員頻道看更多我們的故事!Join our membership to know us more! 🎉 Instagram| TikTok|@thrupledaily 聯絡 Contact & Collaboration Gmail|thrupledaily@ #三人行 #couple #blseries #travel #Taiwan #gay #thruple #throuple #dogs #stray #home

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