Using algorithms to generate music can seem a bit ’inhuman’, but for many of us composers they’re an essential part of the process. In this video I look at some of the ways composers use algorithms. Many thanks to Matthew Rose and Ben Levin! ⦿ Support the Channel on Patreon⦿ ⦿David Bruce Composer Spotify Playlist⦿ ⦿ Follow me on Twitter⦿ ⦿ Follow me on Instagram⦿ ⦿ My 2nd YouTube Channel⦿ Videos Ray Kurzweil on I’ve Got a Secret AI Mozart Arvo Part Fur Alina Iannis Xenakis - ST/10-1,080262 Per Norgard Voyage into the Golden Screen Research Algorithmic Composition David Cope Interview: Generate music out of words Guido-style Guido: Xenakis Arvo Part part hiller guido d’arezzo&source=bl&ots=VfVU6gE5kP&sig=ACfU3U1aC2nKdki03gywkZvUkWkObD6ohQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3-o2wm93oAhUKyxoKHd51BEUQ6AEwAHoECCEQLA#v=onepage&q= guido&f=false Musical Algorithms overview ~mas02gw/papers/ Euclidian Rhythms (The plugin shown is Euclidian Sequencer for Max for Live) Brief history of Algorithms ~blackrse/ John Clinton’s Combinatorial Music Machine Algorithms to Live By =ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Online Encyclopaedia of Integer Sequences Per Norgard’s Infinity Series :// Recaman Sequence Numberphile
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